Meet Our Staff
Meet our dedicated staff, here to support your child to achieve their full potential whilst at Heworth Grange:
Senior Leadership Team:
- N Rodgers – Headteacher
- C Gibson - Deputy Headteacher - Pastoral
- J Hulse - Deputy Headteacher - Teaching & Learning
- C Froom - Assistant Headteacher - Teaching & Learning & DSL
- A Haddon - Assistant Headteacher & SENDCo
- S Rennie - Assistant Headteacher - Behaviour
- M Searles - Assistant Headteacher - Personal Development
Attendance Team:
- L Anderson - Attendance Manager
- A Hetherington - Attendance Assistant
- M Harland - Attendance Worker
- D Longhurst - Attendance Worker
EAL Team:
- J Tait - EAL Manager
Heads Of Year:
- S Rostron - Year 7
- L Gates - Year 8
- J Maynard - Year 9
- R Chippindale - Year 10
- S Brooks - Year 11
- L Heslop - Assistant to the Heads of Year
Innovation Centre Team:
- S Reid - Innovation Centre Manager
- N Pinkney - Deputy Innovation Centre Manager
- C Waggitt - Teacher of Innovation Centre and Food Tech
Safeguarding Team:
- C Froom - Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Designated Deputy Safeguarding Leads
- C Gibson
- S Rennie
- A Haddon
- C Onions - Safeguarding Support
- D Abrahamson - Attendance and Safeguarding Officer
SEND Team:
- A Haddon - SENDCO & Assistant Headteacher
- A Kelly - Deputy SENDCO & Teacher of PSHE
- L Ambler - Teaching Assistant
- Z Amine - Teaching Assistant
- V Dine - Teaching Assistant
- A Gray - Teaching Assistant
- D Hall - Teaching Assistant
- G Henderson - Teaching Assistant
- T Greenwood - Teaching Assistant
- S Freeman - Teaching Assistant
Administration Team:
- K Gordon - Business Support Officer
- A Hollamby - Head's PA and Admin Manager
- D Forster - Administration Assistant/Staff Wellbeing Support
- B Watt - Administration Assistant
- J Warren - Administration Assistant
- E Telford - Exams and Data Officer
Applied Learning:
- L McMahon - Head of Applied Learning
- M Grigg - Teacher of Applied Learning
- G Bainbridge - Head of Computing
- J Hope - Teacher of Computing
Cover Supervisors
- S Spence - Cover Manager
- H Awan - Cover Supervisor
- H McDonald - Associate Assistant Headteacher - English
- C Tunnicliff - Head of English
- J Patterson - Director of Teaching and Learning - English
- A Cleeves - Teacher of English
- L Gibbons - KS3 co-ordinator of English
- H Jeffries - Teacher of English
- J Mitcham - Teacher of English
- A Peart - Teacher of English
- S Sherriff - Teacher of English
- E Thornton - Head of Technology
- C Waggitt - Teacher of Innovation Centre and Food Tech
- L Stewart - Teacher of Technology and Technician
- D Cuthbertson - Head of Geography
- S Rostron - HOY 7/Teacher of Geography
- N Thompson - Teacher of Geography
- M Winter - Teacher of Geography
- T Graham - Head of History
- D McCaslin - Teacher of History
- T Thompson - Teacher of History
- K Maddock - Associate Assistant Headteacher - Maths
- R Kinghan - Head of Maths
- P Miller - Director of Teaching and Learning - Maths
- D Khachikian - Teacher of Maths
- K Sharma - Teacher of Maths
- R Moore - Teacher of Maths
- T Osa-Nappier - Head of Spanish
- S Ward - Teacher of Spanish
- S Rennie - Assistant Headteacher/Teacher of PE
- B Vause - Associate Assistant Headteacher/Director of Progress KS3/Teacher of PE
- D Beresford - Head of Boys PE
- S Brooks - HOY 11/Head of Girls PE
- R Morris - Teacher of PE
PD and RE:
- A Kelly - Teacher of PSHE and RE
- D Kudlacik - Teacher of PSHE and RE
- I Pemberton - Teacher of RE
- A Ladha - Head of Science
- D Nicholson - Associate Assistant Headteacher/Director of Progress KS4
- J Allen - Teacher of Science
- R Copley - Teacher of Science
- J Laws - Teacher of Science
- D Lund - Teacher of Science
- J Mather - Teacher of Science
- M Murray - Teacher of Science
- M Hawkins - Senior Science Technician
- D Stones - Science Technician
The Arts:
- E Anderson - Associate Assistant Headteacher/Director of Arts and Culture
- S Owens - Head of Expressive and Performing Arts
- K Wanless - Head of Visual Arts
- J Douglass - Teacher of Art/Photography
- G Gatenby - Teacher of Dance
- O Mack - Teacher of Music
- Z Slade - Teacher of Drama & English
Wellbeing Team:
- V Carr - Counsellor
Site Staff:
- B McGurrell - Site Manager
- S Mullen - Caretaker
- D Elliott - ICT Support Engineer
Time taken by staff who are union officials: 6 hours