We recommend the following websites to support in class learning and assist with revision for Maths;
- This provides students with examples, videos and questions topic by topic
- Again this provides examples, videos and questions by topic
- This provides good quality videos along with practice questions by topic
Additional Information & Who to Contact
In GCSE, if a candidate does not achieve the minimum grade in their tier of entry, then no grade is awarded, meaning that the selection of the correct tier for each student is extremely important. We continually assess throughout the course to track their progress, and we ask parents to talk to their children about how they are progressing against their target grade. As a result of our internal assessments, we may, from time to time, change the set your child is in.
Homework is a very important part of mathematics, and we ask parents to actively engage with their son/ daughter to ensure that all homework is completed in full and handed in on time.
Many college courses now require a minimum of a grade 4 or 5 in Mathematics. Employers often require people with proven mathematical ability, making a good grade at GCSE very important.
Click here to view the Maths Specification
If you require any further information or have any questions, then please contact Mrs Kinghan on