Weekly Newsletter 03/02/2023

Thank you for all your support with our attendance strategy.
Year 7 and Year 11 are doing really well, but we need a huge push with year 8, 9 and 10.
Please can you make sure unless your child is too ill to attend that they arrive on time ready for lessons.
Equipment and jewellery
Equipment: Recently there have been a number of students without their bags and pencil cases. Please can you ensure your child has their bag and a pencil case with their pens and pencils. When students are not fully equipped it disrupts learning time.
Jewellery: We have also noticed an increase in jewellery being worn by students and part from a wristwatch, jewellery is not allowed in school for health and safety reasons and also to ensure they do not lose precious items.
Please can you support our uniform checks by ensuring your child is not wearing any before they leave for school.
Sporting Success
Joe B and Brandon S (Year 11) represented Durham County Schools in the U16 Pokemon Youth Futsal Cup last weekend. The team was coached by our very own Mr Vause and both students played a key part as Durham won and advanced to the regional finals.
Well Done!
Year 7 Lunchtime
From Monday 6th February Yr 7 lunchtime will change to eliminate the split lunch which impacts on their teaching and learning time.
Students in Year 7 will now have lunch from 12.20 to 12.50pm.
University Talk
On Monday 30/01/23 St Anne’s College Oxford visited our school to give an aspirational workshop on ‘future choices’ to Years 9 & 10.
The students heard about future courses and living away from home at university.
Civil Service Apprenticeship
The Civil Service have offered Heworth Grange Year 11 pupils an exclusive apprenticeship. The job is in customer service with a good package attached to it. Any pupil interested in this position will be supported through, the application process.
There are five position available in our area, and recruitment has started now. We must act fast if you think your child is looking for an apprenticeship. The job description and advert are attached. There is only one other school that has been given this opportunity.
Please email me if you are interested in this position with your child’s name and advisory class and I will support them to apply for this opportunity. claire.bell@consilium-at.com
Careers Newsletter
To View our Careers Newsletter please click here.
Please contact Ms Bell our careers lead for any further information.
Yr 9 consultation evening from 4-6pm on Tuesday 7th February
Don’t forget it is Yr 9 consultation evening from 4-6pm on Tuesday 7th February. Please make your appointments via School Cloud and if you have any issues please contact heworthgrangeenquiries@consilium-at.com.
Yr 11 Revision Page
We are currently constructing a Yr 11 exam and revision area for Year 11. This has lots of useful documents and timetables for students, parents and carers to refer to.
Please take a look here. More things will be added over the coming days and weeks.
Let us know if there is anything you think would be helpful, and we will do our best to include it in the section.