Weekly Newsletter 12/01/2023

Welcome back to all our parents and carers and a Happy New Year to everyone. We hope 2023 will bring you good health and happiness, and we hope you all managed a bit of downtime over the holidays.
Safeguarding and back to school
We were delighted to welcome all our young people back to school on Monday, and we spent time in advisory and assembly reminding students about the importance of safeguarding looking after each other.
The students also completed a survey asking them about what school can do to support them in the forthcoming weeks and asking them about how they feel about coming back to school. We will use this information to ensure we support our young people as much as possible because we want Heworth to be a happy and safe place to be at all times.
We made great strides in attendance last term, but we do now need to re-double our efforts to ensure we are back up to 90% attendance in the first instance. Please ensure that your child is in school unless they are too unwell to attend.
There are lots of rewards to earn through attendance, and we love to celebrate improved and consistent attendance with the students. All student present tomorrow will receive a bonus ticket for the attendance draw.
Prizes this half-term are £50 Amazon voucher, £50 Primark voucher, £50 JD Sports voucher
Music Conference
Building on the success of all the arts performances last term a group of students attended a music conference today at Cardinal Hume.
The students were involved in a composition workshop with Professor Matt Lawson from Oxford Brooks University.
The students who attended as always were a credit to TeamHG.
Staff changes
Sadly, at the end of term we waved farewell to Mr Gardner who has been replaced by Mrs Allen. I know you will join me in welcoming her to TeamHG, and we wish Mr Gardner all the very best for his future endeavours.
We also say goodbye to Mr Taylor this week and Mr Maynard will take over the role of Head of Year 7 with Mrs Rostron staying as Head of Year 9. Mrs Brooks will be adding additional capacity to the Head of Year team in the forthcoming weeks as well. This will ensure we continue to meet our high standards of behaviour and attendance.
Consilium are MAT of the Year!
We are delighted that Consilium Academies has been named ‘MAT of the year’ at the National School Awards, held at the House of Lords on 1st December 2022.