Information for Years 10 and 11

Dear Parents and Carers,
Unfortunately, due to the number of staff absences this week it has become necessary to reduce the number of students in school. Year 11 should not therefore come into school tomorrow, Friday 17th December and all lessons should be accessed remotely via Class Charts. Parents and carers of students in receipt of free school meals will be able to come down to the main reception between 11.45 and 12.15pm to collect a packed lunch should they require one. Please ensure that you have read the letter about the back-to-school arrangements sent recently, a reminder will be sent out this afternoon. COVID lateral flow home testing kits have already been given out to all Year 11 students that wished to take one. If you have not returned the COVID testing consent form for the on-site lateral flow test in January, you can complete the consent form on the website or collect/return a copy from the main school reception.
Year 10 should return to school at 8.35am in the morning
Our apologies for the inconvenience, but, in the current situation, we will always place the health and well-being of all our students and staff as the highest priority.