Information for 17/12/21

Dear Parent and carers
All students will be finishing and leaving school at 2pm tomorrow, Friday 17th December for the Christmas holidays. Lunches will be served Period 4 as normal and then students will be dismissed.
We would like to thank you for your co-operation and understanding this week as we have rotated year groups due to staff (and supply staff) shortages, as you will be aware from the news reports, this is a national problem that schools have had to contend with due to the pandemic and spread of the new variant.
- Please could parents and carers read the ‘back to school information’ that has been sent out in recent letters very carefully. A further reminder will be sent to everyone this afternoon.
- COVID lateral flow home testing kits will be given out to every student that wishes to take one before students leave school tomorrow (Year 11 already have theirs)