Lesson 6 info - Year 11

Dear Parent/Carer, September 2021
Period 6 Lessons Wednesdays & Thursdays 2:45pm-3:30pm
As part of our strategy for ensuring your child is fully prepared for their examinations in Summer 2022 your child will be beginning their Period 6 lessons from Wednesday 29th September. These will take place every Wednesday and Thursday and all students in Year 11 will participate.
Over the year the subjects covered in these lessons will change, but initially your child will be attending lessons in one of the core subjects: English, Mathematics or Science. They will be told on Wednesday which group and subject they will be attending.
We are confident that Year 11 will continue the excellent attendance and exemplary behaviour of previous years and we know that these sessions have a huge positive impact on student progress and attainment.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs C Froom Miss S Rennie
AHT Assessment Head of Achievement (KS4)