Weekly Update - 19/07/21

Dear parents and carers
Since communicating with you on Friday 16th July we have had further staff who have been contacted by NHS Test and Trace and had to self isolate. In order that we can keep the school open this week and to ensure that the health and safety of all concerned is our top priority, we are going to restrict students attending school to one year group per day for the rest of the week. The year groups selected to come into school is based on the specific staffing availability that we have on each day. Year 10 attended school for 4 days last week and so in order to ensure that the rest of our year groups have time in school before the end of term, the days that students will into school from Tuesday 20th July are as follows:
- Tuesday 20th July: Year 9
- Wednesday 21st July: Year 8
- Thursday 22nd July: Year 7
- Friday 23rd July: Year 8
You will appreciate that we have not taken this decision lightly and we thank you for your continued patience and understanding at this time. We will be contacting you all again very soon with arrangements for the return of students in September.