End of Term Arrangements December 2023

As we approach the end of the term and the year, we would like to draw your attention to the following arrangements for the end of this term and the start of the new school term.
End of term arrangements:
School will close to students for the end of term on Friday 22nd December at 12.30pm. As this is before our usual lunchtime, students should purchase their lunch at break time when additional food options will be available and Free School Meal entitlement can be used.
The school office will be closed from 1pm on Friday 22nd December until the school re-opens on Monday 8th January.
Start of term arrangements 2024:
School will open to all students on Monday 8th January 2024, and, as usual, we expect all students to be on site in full school uniform at 8.35am with registration at 8.45am.
Year 11 mock exams begin in the first week back after the holidays. There will be a link in the forthcoming newsletter for Year 11’s to access information about revision.
Next week will be a busy week, with our school Christmas lunch on the 20th, rewards assemblies for all the year groups each day, attendance award pizza parties on the 20th and a special attendance event on Thursday 21st.
Please note that co-curricular clubs and Year 11 intervention will not be taking place next Wednesday (20th) or Thursday (21st) but will start again in January.
A big thank you to all of you for your support during this term, and to all our students for their amazing work, effort, and commitment. It has been another fantastic term, and there isn’t enough room here to write about all the achievements of our students, but please look out for our end of term newsletter being sent to you very soon.
Could I also take this opportunity to wish you, your family, and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas, a happy holiday, and very best wishes to everyone for the new year.
Yours sincerely,
Mr J Holt, Headteacher