Weekly Newsletter 03/03/2023

On Wednesday our school improvement partner, Steve Ruddy visited Heworth.
Steve is a fully qualified Ofsted inspector who has inspected hundreds of schools throughout his career. During the day, he visited lessons, spoke to students and staff, looked at pupils’ work, and spent time mixing with the pupils and staff during breaks and lunch times. The day was a success and reflected the progress that Heworth Grange has made. Steve said, “This is the best I have ever seen Heworth Grange” and that “Pupils benefit from a positive learning experience.” He also noted that “staff went tout of their way to secure good relations with pupils.”
Year 11 achieved 94% attendance on Tuesday! Well done!
Thank you to everyone for your continued effort with attendance.
It is so important to ensure every young person is at school engaged in their learning unless they are genuinely ill. The team will continue to do welfare checks in person wherever possible.
If you need any support with attendance please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Anderson our attendance manager.
ICT Updates
Over the half-term, our ICT system went through a complete overhaul. The new system is far superior to the old one and will improve the experience for students, staff and parents. With any new system however, there will inevitably be snags whilst things bed-in. I would like to thank everyone for their patience over the past week whilst these new systems become embedded. I know the phones have been affected, resulting in some delays in responses, but these have now been ironed out.
Year 11 mock examinations – we are so proud!
We are immensely proud of both the conduct and attendance of our Year 11 cohort so far in the mock exam period. Invigilators have commented on students’ positive behaviour and attitude, and the year group’s attendance has improved significantly this week meaning that more students will benefit from the experience of the mocks. We are also seeing an increasing number of students engaging in independent revision and using the 5 O’clock room in school, showing the increasing maturity with which students are approaching the preparation for their exams. We are very proud!
Heworth Grange is a Safe and Friendly Place to Be
Heworth Grange recently had its trust safeguarding review. These reviews are essential to ensure that schools keep students, and staff safe at all times. The review was very positive and reaffirms our commitment to safeguarding. Below are a few quotes from the report:
Staff are well-trained in the school's procedures for reporting concerns related to safeguarding.
Supporting students at the school is a top priority.
Staff are committed to ensuring that the school is a safe environment.
The Key Stage 3 students liked the choice of subjects such as dance and drama, the pit stop, and afterschool clubs, which help them make friends.
Students feel safe in school and are confident that teachers will deal with things. Students appreciate the SLT's efforts to deal with issues like fighting and bullying.
Do you have some good news to share with us? We would love to hear from you!
Contact us on 0191 421 2244 or email heworthgrangeenquiries@consilium-at.com
Please note our reception opening times are 8:15am - 3:45pm. Calls will not be picked up outside these hours. During our busier times you may get a quicker response via the email address above.